1. Give God thanks for His wisdom in placing you in Nigeria (insert name of your country) at such a time as this. (Acts 17:26; Psalm 37:23; Psalm 105: 16-19)
2. Pray that every satanic yoke and burden upon Nigeria be lifted off her in Jesus name. (Isaiah 14:25; Isaiah 10:27; Nahum 1:13)
3. Ask the Lord to frustrate the tokens of liars and make those that divine wickedness to contradict God’s word over Nigeria, to go mad. (2 Samuel 15:31; Psalm 21:11; Isaiah 44:25)
4. Ask the Lord to forgive the sins of Nigeria and restore her to fulfil her prophetic destiny in Jesus name. (2 Chronicles 7:14; Job 20:18; Psalm 28:9)
5. Pray that the counsel of the Lord concerning Nigeria will stand.(Psalm 33:11,119:89; Isaiah 44:26).
6. Judge the horse and rider controlling and implementing wickedness in the land. (Jeremiah 51:21; Job 39:18; Exodus 15:1, Isaiah 49:26)
7. Decree that the confidence of the wicked that work against your nation is taken from them. (Isaiah 14:25; Isaiah 10:27; Nahum 1:13)
8. Rebuke the company of spearmen gathering to attack Nigeria to make her a wasteland. (Psalm 68:30; Ezekiel 19:7; Job 30:3)
9. Declare that God raises men and women who know what Nigeria ought to do in alignment with His will, so she does not miss the time of her visitation. (Zechariah 1:20-21; 1 Chronicles 12:32; Luke 19:44)
10. By the blood of the lamb, secure your lot in Nigeria and declare that you and your children will not be turned to strangers in your land. (Psalm 16:6, 18:45; Lamentations 5:2; Deuteronomy 8:7-9)
11. Bless, exalt and advance Nigeria by the words of your mouth. Speak a blessing over her topography, economy, boundaries and her people. (Proverbs 11:11; Luke 19:44; 1 Chronicles 12:32)